Zeta Beta Tau, Psi Chapter
Zeta Beta Tau (ΖΒΤ) is a Greek letter social fraternity. ZBT was first organized in New York December 29, 1898. The Psi Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau was the first Jewish Fraternity on the University of Alabama campus, founded in 1916. The original Psi Chapter was colonized in Tuscaloosa with 15 men. As ZBT thrived, two additional fraternal organizations, Kappa Nu and Phi Epsilon Pi also formed chapters on campus. Ultimately, both merged into ZBT at the national and local levels. No longer an exclusively Jewish Fraternity, ZBT has been open since 1954 to "All Men of Good Character" to understand and appreciate its mission and founding purpose.
Chapter Information
Chapter Address
Mailing & Shipping
Zeta Beta Tau
MSC# 870518
1831 University Station
Tuscaloosa AL 35487
Zeta Beta Tau
526 Jefferson Avenue
Tuscaloosa AL 35401
*Do not ship to this address