Pi Kappa Phi, Omicron Chapter

Pi Kappa Phi (ΠΚΦ; also Pi Kapp or PKP) was founded at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. Pi Kappa Phi operates its own philanthropy, The Ability Experience (formerly known as Push America), which works with individual chapters to serve people with disabilities. Our chapter makes sure to instill the values of not only joining a fraternity, but also being a productive student here at the University. We have members involved in SGA, IFC, and many other organizations on campus. The Omicron chapter of Pi Kappa Phi sets itself apart from other chapters on campus by making sure we take in only the best members that will better this house and the University, no matter where they may be from. We are looking for young men ready to exceed in their academics as well as being a productive member of our chapter and on campus.

Chapter Information

President: Trent Jones

Recruitment Chair: Evan McCain

New Member Educator: JD Salters

Chapter Website: bamapikapp.com

National Website: pikapp.org

Chapter Address

Mailing & Shipping

Pi Kappa Phi
1831 University Station
Tuscaloosa AL 35487


Pi Kappa Phi
130 University Boulevard
Tuscaloosa AL 35401

*Do not ship to this address