Alpha Kappa Lambda, Gamma Beta Chapter
Alpha Kappa Lambda (ΑΚΛ) is an American collegiate social fraternity for men founded at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1914. Today, it operates approximately 45 active chapters and colonies and has approximately 25,000 initiated members. Alpha Kappa Lambda was founded on April 22, 1914 by a group of young men attending the University of California, Berkeley. Its birth, however, dates back to 1906 when a group of friends discussed the “need of Christian men for a place to live and study that was within their (financial) means.”
Chapter Information
Chapter Address
Mailing & Shipping
Alpha Kappa Lambda
MSC# 870517
1831 University Station
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Alpha Kappa Lambda
561 Jefferson Avenue
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
*Do not ship to this address