Alpha Delta Phi, Alabama Chapter

Alpha Delta Phi (ΑΔΦ, also Alpha Delt, A.D. or ADPhi) is a North American Greek-letter secret and social college fraternity. Alpha Delta Phi was originally founded as a literary society by Samuel Eells in 1832 at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. Its 50,000+ alumni include former Presidents and Senators of the United States, as well as Chief Justices of the Supreme Court. In 1992, five chapters withdrew from the male-only organization to become co-educational, and formed the Alpha Delta Phi Society, a separate and independent organization

Chapter Information

President: James Fichera

Recruitment Chair: Chase Woods

New Member Educator: Jackson Evans

Chapter Website:

National Website:

Chapter Address

Mailing & Shipping

1901 5th Avenue East
Unit 3125
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401


451 Devotie Dr.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487

*Do not ship to this address